Thursday, 28 July 2011

A New Start

Well here we are, boys and girls, another corner of the internet which I have now decided to inhabit.

I did have a blog on here (or maybe livejournal, I'm not sure) a few years ago, but I got bored and decided to make my videos on Youtube instead.  However, after realising just how hard it is to make decent, regular Youtube videos (or for that matter, decent Youtube videos at all) I remembered how I would simply pop on here (or livejournal!) of an evening and splurge all of my thoughts out.  I suppose it was theraputic more than anything, and much more appropriate for little updates about my life than watching me mumble in front of a webcam for 5 minutes.

So here's the deal upon which I have decided; I'm going to keep the Youtube channel, but only have it for videos where I'm actually DOING stuff!  Such as my Berlin video, my student residence video, and the ghost stories one.  I'm not going to have any more where I sit talking about "interesting" developments!  They will be left for here!  I'll upload the occasional picture to help illustrate a point as well, you lucky people.

I hope to post these fairly regularly!  I presume that, having come to my page you know me and the fact that at the end of August, less than a month from now, I will be going to Japan to live and study there for a year as part of my German & Japanese degree at the University of Leeds.  I was going to post regular Youtube videos to talk about the sort of stuff I was doing there, but now I reckon it's probably a better idea to do that via this blog instead.  I'll still post videos where I'm out and about though!  And before I go I WILL finish the China video!!

Talking of which, I can't believe it's already been a year since I went to China! I went with my girlfriend Ayu, and stayed in Shanghai and Xi'an at her relatives' houses for a month, and also travelled to Sichuan whilst I was there. My China video will show you a little of how much I enjoyed it!  Whilst I was there I had a little notebook, in which I wrote down some of the sort of stuff I was doing every day, just a few words.  It's been really nice to flick back through it and see what I was doing a year ago to the day!  For example, under the heading of 28th of July 2010 I wrote;

Ill again :(
Ayu etc. did Karaoke
I stayed at home with laptop!
Watched Casino Royale
Ate Hotpot out
Lost Ayu!

I would very much like to go back to China soon :) As I learn how to use Blogspot, I'll add some links and stuff to my Youtube channel and Twitter page, but before then this will have to suffice! Keep checking, I'll add another post soon!


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